


Immortality -2


Taken by an old cleanery in a small village in Crete, Greece.

Taken by an old cleanery in a small village in Crete, Greece.

New galleries

After a long time of heard studies at school I´m finally finding time to start with a little blogging again 🙂 Also I have worked on changing the image to fit both my main page and my blog, and I feel very happy with my changes.

Today I choose to post this image that I took by an old cleanery near an old village in Crete, Greece. Its one of my favourite places on earth, this used to function as a cleanery and meeting place for the women of the village in the old days. Whenever I walk here I feel such a strangely good feeling, and it makes me wonder what this place could have been used for other then functioning as a cleanery for these women… maybe like some kind of free haven for them that the men would never enter, and they would feel free to speak their mind and be there for each other… I dont know.. all i know is that is amazing to be there and at least feels like a haven to me…


Lady Of The Forest


The Little Mermaid

Taken in Crete, Greece, july 2012

Little Mermaid

Taken in Crete, Greece july 2012


After reading Tracie Louises blog yesterday, it gave me the inspiration to take a good look back into what used to really inspire me in the past. And I decided I will add this page as a tribute to all that inspire me. Being everything from a bird to an artist, a river or a melody… everything. 

Today, as my first post in this new part of my blog, i will dedicate it to one of the first big inspirations I can remember. A painting by Salvador Dalí. This painting, or more precisely, this part of the painting made me get back into drawing again when I was around 14 years old. This little creature opened up a whole new door to my inner imagination, and gave me a way to for the first time really express the world inside me just waiting to get out. If  you see the little angel like creature down between the elephants long legs, slightly to the right…? There it is… my little muse…. 

Sunglasses 2

Taken for a models portfolio in Crete Island, Greece 2011.


Taken for a models portfolio at Crete Island, Greece 2011.

The Beach

From a photo shoot in Greece, Crete. At the beach in the sundown. This is part my making portfolio work for models.